제목 없음외교관면세점판매확인서(외교관보관용,
판매자보관용, 제출용)중 "외무부장관 확인 Certification of Minister of Foreign Affairs"를 "외교통상부장관
확인 Certification of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade"로 하고, "조세감면규제법시행령
제96조의4 제3항의 규정에 의하여 환급한도액을 초과하지 아니함을 확인합니다. I certify that the amount of
refundable tax does not exeed the ceiling pursuant to paragraph 3, Article 96-4
of Enforcement Decree of the Tax Exemption and Reduction Control Law"를
"조세특례제한법시행령 제108조 제3항의 규정에 의하여 환급한도액을 초과하지 아니함을 확인합니다.
I certify that the amount of refundable tax does not exceed the ceiling pursuant
to Article 108, paragraph 3 of Enforcement Decree of the Special Tax Treatment
Control Law"로 하며, "외무부장관 Certification of Minister of Foreign Affairs"를 하며,
"외교통상부장관 Certification of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade"로 한다.
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