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Unified Format and Improved Electronic Certificates Speeds Up Certificate Issuance Process

  • Date 2001.01.01.
  • Read2668

NTS announced that it would provide a more convenient certificate issuance
service from February. The revenue body standardized the formats of
certificates and improved the electronic certificate system.


far, electronic issuance service was limited to 10 kinds of tax-related certificates
including certificates of Business Registration, Business Suspension / Close of
Business, Tax Payment, Income, Tax Base on VAT, Income of VAT-exempt Business
and Standardized Financial Statement. With the new service, however, certificates
of confirming business registration and delinquent taxes which were available
only from tax offices can be issued electronically.


mso-fareast-language:KOmso-bidi-language:AR-SA\'>With expanded electronic
certificate issuance and the use of electronic official sealing, the NTS will
be able to provide more simplified and convenient services.

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