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Application for tax exemption on interest income and capital gains from investment in GB and MSB, etc

Application Form for Approval as “Qualified Foreign Intermediary (QFI)” and Statement of Approval HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for tax exemption on interest income or capital gains from investment in GB and MSB (for non-residents) - [For use in the case where GB and MSB are not acquired, held and transferred through a Qualified Foreign Financial Company, etc] HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for tax exemption on interest income or capital gains from investment in GB and MSB (for non-residents) - [For use in the case where GB and MSB are acquired, held and transferred through a Qualified Foreign Financial Company, etc.] HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for tax exemption on interest income or capital gainsfrom investment in GB and MSB - [For use in the case where a qualified foreign financial company (QFFC) receives application for tax exemption from income recipient (investor) and submits it to the Director of the competent district tax office] HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for tax exemption on interest income or capital gains from investment in GB and MSB (for foreign corporations) - [For use in the case where GB and MSB are not acquired, held and transferred through a Qualified Foreign Financial Company, etc.] HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for tax exemption on interest income or capital gainsfrom investment in GB and MSB (for foreign corporations) HWPDownload PDFDownload
Statement of Transactions and Holdings of Government Bonds and Monetary Stabilization Bonds (For Income Payer) HWPDownload PDFDownload
Statement of Transactions and Holdings of Government Bonds and Monetary Stabilization Bonds (For Qualified Foreign Financial Companies, etc.) HWPDownload PDFDownload

Individual Income Tax Return

Year End Tax Settlement

Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Tax Withholding HWPDownload PDFDownload
Report of Deduction & Tax Credit from Income HWPDownload PDFDownload

Year End Tax Settlement(Draft Forms)

Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Tax Withholding HWPDownload PDFDownload
Report of Deduction·Tax Credit from Income HWPDownload PDFDownload

Year End Tax Settlement for religious workers

Report of A Resident’s Statement of Payment of Other Income HWPDownload PDFDownload
Receipt for wage & salary income tax withholding for religious workers HWPDownload PDFDownload
Retirement Income Tax Withholding
Receipt for Retirement Income Tax Withholding HWPDownload PDFDownload

Application Forms and English Certificates

Tax related certificates are issued directly from the District Tax Offices. There is no issuance fee.

Certificate of Income HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate of Business Registration HWPDownload PDFDownload
Tax Clearance Certificate HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate of Tax Payments HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate of Business Suspension / Close of Business HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate of VAT Tax Base HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate of Income of a VAT-Exempt Business Entity HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate of Standards Financial Statements HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate for Non-resident's Tax Payment HWPDownload PDFDownload
Certificate of Residence HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for Non-Taxation & Tax Exemption on Korean source income under the Tax Treaty HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application of Flat Tax Rate for Foreign Employees HWPDownload WordDownload
Report of Overseas Investment Vehicle HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for Foreign Tax Credit(Calculating Foreign Tax Amount as Necessary Expense HWPDownload PDFDownload
Application for Entitlement to Reduced Tax Rate on Domestic Source Income (for Foreign Corporation) HWPDownload PDFDownload
Declaration of Overseas Investment Vehicle Treated as the Beneficial Owner of Korean Source Income HWPDownload PDFDownload

Business Registration

Business Registration Form(For individual) HWPDownload PDFDownload

Value Added Tax Return

Value Added Tax(For standard taxation) HWPDownload PDFDownload

Forms related to overseas subsidiaries and branches

Reporting on Overseas Financial Accounts

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