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Receive Income Deductions for the Cash Receipts Issued for Your Monthly House Rent

  • Date 2001.01.01.
  • Read2568

style="font-family:\'Times New Roman\',serif font-size:12pt">The National Tax
Service has unveiled a new policy that allows earned income earners to receive
income deductions for their monthly house rent paid to the leaseholder who is
not a registered issuer of Cash Receipts.
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style="font-family:\'Times New Roman\',serif font-size:12pt">For earned
income earners to enjoy income deductions for their monthly house rent, they
should submit “Application for Cash Transaction Confirmation” and “Lease
Contract” to the NTS homepage or to tax offices. If a leaseholder refuses to
issue a cash receipt, you may report it to the NTS.

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style="font-family:\'Times New Roman\',serif font-size:12pt">The income
deduction benefits will be available starting with the year-end tax settlement for
the year 2009.

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The NTS extended the reporting
period for the refusal to issue cash receipts from 15 days to 1 month from the
transaction date and expanded the scope of businesses qualifying for income

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