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Regular Tax Audits Will be Postponed for Companies Which Maintain Employment or Good Labor-Management Relations

  • Date 2001.01.01.
  • Read2351

National Tax Service held a meeting of heads of regional tax offices presided
by Acting Commissioner Byung-Ik Huh on February 10th, 2009 to
discuss how to operate tax administration to help revitalize the economy,
jobs and maintain employment.

the meeting, Huh instructed that the NTS should make an all-out effort to fully
support economic recovery and another take-off by taking immediate and bold steps.

these measures will be benefits such as exemption from or postponement of tax
audits on the companies which generate jobs, regardless of company size.

benefits will be expanded to those SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
which maintain employment levels through compromises between labor and management
by agreeing to job sharing and unpaid leave, and to those which have a good labor-management

mso-fareast-language:KOmso-bidi-language:AR-SA\'>Huh called on the regional
heads to actively support companies suffering from capital crunch or business
suspension by providing tax administration support such as extension of payment
deadline, suspension of tax collection, early payment of tax refunds and suspension
of regulatory activities to pursue delinquent taxes.

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